
Hey, Derek here. As with Daniel's previous column we're going to open a two-week window for any questions, so he'll be available to respond on (or before) October 27. After that we'll close the thread. Again as before, his piece will remain pinned to the FX home page for easy access. Thanks!

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Great piece. I think leftists have generally done a solid job sketching out the parameters of a domestic policy agenda (e.g. Medicare for All, Green New Deal, all of Bruenig's stuff) but have been woefully inadequate when it comes to foreign policy and IR more generally.

Would love to hear your perspective on what such an agenda might look like and what any nascent leftist approaches to IR could or do look like.

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Hi there, great stuff as always.

Quick question, from this quick precis it looks realisim in IR has an almost reductive emphasis on military threats and national (I guess read regime) survival.

I was wondering, given that as you mention, these are being overtaken by long term supranational threats (obviously climate change, biocollapse, killer robots, pandemics, indidious propoganda, transnational oligarchs, corruption etc) where realists stand on this?

Are you then proposing that given their influence they should be encouraged to be less pessemistic, to look beyond their narrow focus or that policy makers should ignore them altogether as anachronistic?

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